Wall of Thanks


The following neighbors gave financial support, making it possible to repair the much needed and neglected Brick Wall along Walnut Hill Lane.

* Contribution to the Brick Wall project.

** Contribution to Entrance Sign.

Thank you.

Dr. Clark Inglecliff Drive Mr. Elrod Briarmeadow Drive
Dr. & Mrs. Crick Fieldgate Drive Mr. Wait Mimosa Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Flautt Fieldgate Drive Mr. & Mrs. Bardoff Blairview Drive
Mr. Wiseman Mimosa Lane Ms. Mandell Blairview Drive
Mr. & Mrs.Castilla Meadow Road Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mimosa Lane
Dr. & Mrs. Shiu Lakehurst Avenue Mr. Wiseman Mimosa Lane
Mrs. Scurlock Boedeker Ms. McGuire Fieldgate Drive
Ms. Halley Fieldgate Drive Mrs. Teas** Glendora Avenue
Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Blairview Drive Mr. & Mrs. John Beck Fieldgate Drive
Ms. Adams Inglecliff Dr. & Mrs. Aronoff Mimosa Lane
Mr. Muro Lakehurst Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Fulton Mimosa Lane
Mr. Collie Fieldgate Drive Mr. Berger Mimosa Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Lengyel Mimosa Lane Mr. & Mrs. Summerhays Mimosa Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Bard Mimosa Lane Mr. Thompson Briarmeadow Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Isaacs** Glendora Avenue Mr. Michael Dollins** Mimosa Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Briarmeadow Drive Ms. E. Witherow Fieldgate Drive
Ms. S. Gamble** Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Peterson Lakehurst Avenue
Mr. & Mrs. Riddle** Mimosa Lane Mr. &Mrs. Robinson** Glendora Avenue
Mr. Gibbons** Inglecliff Ms. Schwartz** Stonetrail Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Goodwin** Stonetrail Drive Mr. Collier** Stonetrail Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Hamer Blairview Drive Mr.& Mrs. Goodheart** Stonetrail Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Gorman** Stonetrail Drive Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Blairview Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Johnston Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Edmunds** Boedeker
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis** Stonetrail Drive Mr. & Mrs. Egnatis** Stonetrail Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Wilpitz** Stonetrail Drive Mr. & Mrs. Burton** Stonetrail Drive
Mr. Chapman** Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Kornell** Glendora Avenue
Ms. Christian** Glendora Avenue Mr. Fisher** Glendora Avenue
Mr. & Mrs. Smith* Glendora Avenue Mr. Baxter** Glendora Avenue
Mr. Babb** Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Lebcowitz** Glendora Avenue
Mr. & Mrs. Lerch** Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Roberts** Glendora Avenue
Mr. Smith Glendora Avenue Mrs. Taylor** Glendora Avenue
Mr. Baker** Fieldgate Drive Ms. Granger Fieldgate Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Pangman Blairview Drive Mr. & Mrs. Feuss Meadow Road
Mr. Lakose Glendora Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Earsing* Fieldgate Drive


Sincerely, John Baker