Archived News



    • Archived News from Prior to Use of Wordpress for Homepage.

    • (5/27/08) Block Party- The 7300 blocks of Fieldgate and Blairview as well as the 9700 block of Boedeker had a block party on late Memorial Day afternoon.  Approximately 80 neighbors attended and a great time was had by all.  Thank you to everyone who helped out and made the event such a success.  Let us know if other blocks are planning on having a block party and want it publicized or have photographs they would like to post online.

    • (5/12/08) Annual Business Meeting- The Meadows annual business meeting and elections was held on Wednesday May 7th.  A new board was elected.  The association authorized the adoption of a formal charter to go along with our bylaws.  A report was presented on the development.  Neighbors discussed the possibility of seeking a zoning overlay for the neighborhood to minimize the likelihood of teardowns.  The board also authorized the expansion of the board by expanding the two open board positions to the maximum of six positions allowed by the association bylaws.  The new board members are as follows:

            President- David Westbrook

            Vice-President- Russell Gum

            Secretary- George Adams

            Treasurer- Mark Backofen

            At large Board Members: Karen Peterson

                                              Gus Owen

                                              Judy Evans

                                              Jan Gragg

                                              Anne Billings

                                              Bruce Billings

    Congratulations to all the new board members and a big thank you to all of the outgoing board members who have served for many years, some going back to the mid-90's.  Remember to contact any board member or the chair of the respective committee if you would like to get involved.

    • (5/4/08)  Annual Ice Cream Social-The association's annual ice cream social took place this past Sunday.  A great time was had by all.  Two fire trucks came by as well as the local police officer who's beat includes our neighborhood. 

      (4/30/08) MeadowsWatch Newsletter- The most recent edition of the MeadowsWatch newsletter is now available.  If you are not signed up for email delivery, a hard copy will be delivered to your door soon, depending upon the schedule of our volunteers.  Thank you to everyone who made the association's flower sale this past weekend such a great success.

    • (4/22/08) Proposed City of Dallas Ordinance Regarding Spaying/Neutering Dogs and Cats-  The Dallas City Council is currently considering passing an ordinance that would require all owners of dogs and cats in the city to spay or neuter their pets or else be licensed as a breeder and pay an annual $500 fee. 

      It has been stated that about 26,000 sheltered/unadopted pets were euthanized last year.   There are many animals which are allowed to wander and breed freely and well as packs of roaming dogs that routinely frighten Dallas residents and threaten other animals.    The Shelter Council, which proposed this ordinance, is giving the impression that they believe that even legitimate at-home small-production breeders are contributing to the problem.

        The spay/neuter requirement seems to be a highly controversial aspect of the ordinance proposal.  It certainly has raised emotions in the Meadows.  Councilwoman Linda Koop is still considering the pros and cons and effects on pet owner and hasn’t yet determined her position.  The complete text of the ordinance can be found at   The Shelter Council may also have a website.  Other positions on this issue can probably  be found at the American Kennel Club website.   Responsible Pet Owners of America (RPOA) has also taken a position.   Both of these organizations can likely be found through Google.   There are similar ordinances being proposed in other cities around the country.   We were informed that PetCo promoted this ordinance in Los Angeles, where it passed.   Their position may be discussed at the PetCo website.    We also were informed that the proposal has been under  consideration in San Antonio, but we haven’t had the opportunity to check for results.   

      We hope that this basic information helps you to find the pertinent details of the complete ordinance proposal so you can formulate your own opinion and contact the city council should you choose to do so.


    • 4/11/08) Development Update- The following update was provided by Eric Anderson and Cindy Hanes, the Meadows residents who have been working on the joint task force of local neighborhoods with respect to The Glen development adjacent to our neighborhood: 

      As one might imagine, “negotiating” neighborhood nuances in a development the magnitude of The Glen is time consuming and an exercise in compromise.  I do think, all-in-all, that our neighborhood will be pleased with the direction in which we’re headed and the end result we think we will achieve. I think this is particularly true when one considers the developer/owner’s original intentions and the possibility that  the City could have weighed in favorably on the developer/owner’s behalf.  We are fortunate to have the support of our Councilmember Linda Koop and her appointee to the City Planning Commission and fellow neighbor Chris Buehler.

      Following are the highlights of the major points that either have been or are soon to be finalized in connection with the developer’s intent to refine the existing Zoning Ordinance (a City-governed document) and Deed Restrictions (DR) (private, neighborhood governance) to reflect greater detail.

      The 17 acres of land that embody the western-most portion of the total 42+ acres, known as Tract A, will contain a gated community of 101 lots to be built as single-family homes.  While still no guarantee, it is believed that these homes will sell for around $800,000 - $1,200,000 based on sizes that range from at least 2,000 to in excess of 3,800 sq. ft. Access points to Tract A will be via 4 vehicular gates – one “marquee access” off Walnut Hill, one off Stone Canyon/Meadow Park Dr. at the north end of the property, and two planned from the road on the eastern side of Tract A separating Tract A from the commercial/mixed use section (Tract C, etc) of the 42 acres, the “residential access street”  – and two pedestrian gates across the residential access street.

      Tract C, etc. will be built in at least two phases.  Phase I will contain the main shopping area, with residential apartments and condos directly above the retail.  This will encompass approx. 40 – 50 percent of Tract C and will cover the portion of the site directly east of Tract A towards Central Expressway, and roughly 600 linear feet to the north that is perpendicular to Walnut Hill.  Phase II will most likely contain an office building at the Northwest corner of Walnut Hill and Central Expwy. as well as  a retirement community north of Phase I and due east of Tract A’s northern section.  Phase III, if not combined with Phase II, would be the last piece on the furthest northeast section of the site (along the Central Expwy access road), and contain possibly a hotel and/or more office/residential/retail.

      While the joint efforts of the three neighborhoods will continue, there are additional responsibilities associated with the development that will require involvement from representatives of The Meadows, including participation in an architectural control committee and exploring City resources for co-neighborhood improvement with the developer outside of their actual development site.  Accordingly, we need and would greatly appreciate additional neighbors to volunteer their time to assist in these ongoing efforts. Anyone willing to help should contact Cindy, Eric or any Board member to express their interest.  We've found it a great way to learn a lot and, more importantly,  get to know other neighbors, including from Glen Lakes and Windsor Park.

       As an aside, we also ask our fellow neighbors to please refrain from direct communication with the developer in order to better serve our collective desires.

      Substantive Issues that remain, in my opinion, in the current negotiations, that are being refined and negotiated are:

      ·         Getting City approval to combine the existing alley access point to Walnut Hill, on the far east side of The Meadows, with Tract A’s access point approx. 10 feet away into one shared, Marquee access.  In the event the City departments don’t approve what minimum changes are needed (e.g. widen the median in middle of Walnut Hill for easterly turns) that need to get incorporated into the ZO and/or DR.

      ·         Refine language for restrictions on what is allowed to transpire in the western 20-foot setback of Tract A.  We want to begin with the restrictions recorded for the Lake Forest neighborhood and provide refinements, where necessary, for things such as height limitations and elimination of any “permanent” structures, other than perhaps ground-level decking.

      ·         Refine changes to the “open space” and landscaping requirements throughout the site as a result of agreeing to remove the “lake” feature. We appreciated the PRA’s thoughts that in the future water restrictions may keep the level of a lake feature uncertain and there are other ways to incorporate water features.

      ·         Refine minimum square footage of air conditioned space of single family homes in Tract A.

      ·         Negotiate terms and conditions of $250,000 landscaping fund dedicated to beautification of Walnut Hill on both north and south sides and the median from roughly Hillcrest to U.S. 75/Central Expressway. 


  • (5/4/08)  Annual Business Meeting- Mark your calendar, the Meadows annual business meeting and officer elections will be Wednesday, May 7 from 7:00-9:00pm in the Hillcrest High School library. We also hope to include an update of the development next to our neighborhood.  If you would like to get involved and help to improve our neighborhood, please let us know.  There are many positions available, including president as John Baker is stepping down after many years dedicated to the association.  It's not a big time commitment and you'll get to meet your neighbors.  The elected officers are: president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, as well as two at-large board members.  Individuals are stepping down from the positions of president, vice-president, secretary and one board member at large so there is lots of opportunities to get involved.  There are a number of committee chair positions that are also open.  Volunteering is not a large time commitment as the board typically meets four to six times a year for an hour or so in the evening.  The association is only as great as you make it, so please consider volunteering for a position. 

  • (4/30/08)  Annual Social and Business Meeting- Mark your calendar, the Meadows Annual Social is coming up on Sunday May 4 at 2pm at the pavilion at Franklin Middle School.  The annual business meeting and officer elections will be Wednesday, May 7 from 7:00-9:00pm in the Hillcrest High School library. If you would like to get involved and help to improve our neighborhood, please let us know.  There are many positions available, including president as John Baker is stepping down after many years dedicated to the association.  It's not a big time commitment and you'll get to meet your neighbors.  The elected officers are: president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, as well as two at-large board members.  Individuals are stepping down from the positions of president, vice-president, secretary and one board member at large so there is lots of opportunities to get involved.  There are a number of committee chair positions that are also open.  Volunteering is not a large time commitment as the board typically meets four to six times a year for an hour or so in the evening.  The association is only as great as you make it, so please consider volunteering for a position.  You can submit a nomination by email or by talking to any officer. 

  • Board President John Baker has announced  his upcoming “retirement” from his Board post.  We thank John for his many years of dedication to the Meadows as TMNA President.   This  announcement creates an opportunity for a new volunteer to get involved, get to know lots of  neighbors and work together with the adjacent neighborhood associations.   Elections are held at the Spring Social (more info later) 

  • (4/30/08) Dallas Home Chemical Collection Day- Are you ready for spring cleaning? Dispose of household chemicals the responsible way! Dallas County is holding a Home Chemical Collection Day on Saturday, May 3, 2008 from 9am-3pm (Rain or Shine!) at  1441 W. Trinity Mills, Carrollton, Texas 75006, (MAPSCO 2N) (at Blanton Parking lot in front of the old Home Depot and next to Anderson Furniture).  If you go you will need to bring a driver's license and recent utility bill to prove your residency.  You can bring, pool and yard chemicals, craft/hobby supplies, batteries, automotive fluids, oil filters, gasoline, paint and other home repair products, household cleaners and polishes, and fluorescent light tubes.  If you cannot make it, you can always drop off the same hazardous materials at The Home Chemical Collection Center, which is located at: 11234 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX. 75243 (MAPSCO 28A).  The Hours of operation are: Tuesdays 8:30am-5:00pm; Wednesdays 8:30am-5:00pm; Thursdays 8:30am-5:00pm and the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9:00am-3:00pm. Call (214) 553-1765 for more information.

  • (4/22/08)  "Green Dallas" Community Meeting- The City of Dallas will be holding quarterly community meetings in the four quadrants of the city.  The second such meeting, covering Northern Dallas, will be held on May 7 at 6:30pm  on the campus of Richland College (12800 Abrams Rd.) in Fannin Performance Hall (Building F on the campus map, parking is available in lot "W").

    City staff will present briefings to council that inform and educate the public about the City’s environmental efforts and the Green Dallas initiative ( which is aimed at environmental responsibility and encourages both public and private sector involvement.  Air quality, energy efficiency, alternative fuel fleet, recycling, water conservation, green building standards; green space, trails, parks and the urban forest; and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan will all be discussed. 

    Along with their “green” power point briefings, various departments will set up educational display booths showcasing their own green practices. Each department will also have members of their staff who work on green issues in attendance and will be introduced to Council.

  • (4/22/08)Dallas ISD Bond Meeting at Preston Hollow Elementary School- Preston Hollow Elementary School will hold an informational meeting about the school bond vote on Tuesday April 29th at 6:30 PM in the school’s auditorium. A short presentation will be given on the upcoming bond issue scheduled for May 10th, 2008.    The meeting is strictly an informational meeting and the speaker will not be taking a pro or con position.   There will then be a question and answer session following the presentation.    We encourage parents, neighbors and those affected by the May vote to attend.     Preston Hollow Elementary School is located at 6423 Walnut Hill Lane.

  • (4/22/08) Spring Flower Sale-  Orders for The Meadows Spring Flower Sale are due by Wednesday April 23rd by 10pm.  You should have already receive the flyer and order form and flowers are scheduled to be delivered Saturday April 26th.  The annual fall and spring flower sales are the sole fundraising activities and in addition to voluntary dues and contributions, supports all of the association's activities, such as Beautification projects like the recent landscaping to the Boedeker median.  Please support your neighborhood by purchasing some great flowers or making a donation.  As always, if you are interested in getting involved with the neighborhood association, including helping distribute flowers on the 26th, please contact us.

  • (4/10/08) Storm Damage- The City of Dallas will provide free storm collection debris for Dallas residents who were affected by thunderstorms and winds that hit North Texas Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Residents who need to clear their property must place cut and stacked tree limbs at the curb and call 311 to request collection. Citations for “out of cycle” brush waste will not be issued if residents call 311 for collection. Only tree limbs and fencing lost during the storm can be accepted. Dallas residents may also take storm debris to City transfer stations and the landfill from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from April 10 through May 10, but must show proof of residency with a driver’s license or current water bill. This special service is being provided in addition to normal sanitation operations. Please call 311 for any additional information.

  • (4/1/08)  Neighborhood Alert- You may have received various email alerts (including a alert sent out to the neighborhood distribution list last night) regarding alleged gang initiations regarding bumping the rear end of cars and then shooting the driver when they stop to investigate.  At least a portion of this report appears to have been part of an Internet hoax, as neither DISD or Dallas Police officials have received any reports of any such incidents as reported by a Dallas Morning News blog today. 

      HOWEVER, the report in the email alert regarding the Meadows resident is not part of the hoax and is completely accurate.  Our neighbor reported that "[our daughter] was driving home about 10:30 last night from her boyfriend's house near Midway and Park Lane.  She was followed almost all the way home by a man/boy Hispanic - who followed her very closely either behind or next to her - tried to cut her off a couple of times.  She was very upset when she got home, but he did not follow her once she turned on Airline......"

    Consequently, precautions should still be taken if another car bumps into your car or attempts to cut you off or drive you off the road.  If this happens to you, you need to keep driving until you get to a public place where people are milling around. Do not stop! Call the police as you continue driving. Tell them where you are, what direction you are heading, and describe the car that bumped you if you can.   

Just in case.

   Please also be aware that there have been reports by neighbors of door-to-door sales and other individuals who are approaching the front door and using aggressive verbal tactics trying to get residents to open their door to hear about some consumer "opportunities."  As always, residents should avoid opening the door to anyone you cannot identify or do not expect for a visit.

  • (2/25/08) MeadowsWatch Newsletter-  The latest edition of the MeadowsWatch newsletter has been electronically distributed to those who have provided our email addresses.  Hard copies have and/or will be distributed to those who have not signed up for electronic distribution, based upon the schedule of the volunteers.  . 

  • (2/25/08) MEADOWS MEDIAN READY FOR SPRING! The Meadows Landscaping project has come to fruition and Boedeker is ready to bloom! The Meadows Neighborhood Association again thanks Lynn Sloan, Keith Kinney, all the Beautification Committee volunteers and the many residents who have supported this long-term project with time and effort, contributions and purchases during the spring and fall plant sale fundraisers. Next time you enter the area at the Walnut Hill Lane and Boedeker intersection, check out our new look!

    Unfortunately, discarded beverage containers and other things seem to pop up like weeds after each weekend. If you are a regular walker in the vicinity, please consider joining the ad hoc “Boedeker Brigade” of exercisers and carry a small bag to pick up even just one of these bits of debris. Thanks to those of you who already give the median such “tender loving care” and to all the Meadows neighbors who routinely pick up the “dastardly discards” when walking … your concern and efforts are much appreciated!

  • (2/25/08) GRAFFITI GREMLINS RETURN -- A home adjacent to Airline was recently tagged with graffiti and, subsequently, other forms of vandalism. The homeowner contacted public school officials and was informed that there are currently some local issues being addressed that are related to the graffiti problem.

    Dallas Police suggest that victims of graffiti vandals contact them so that they can determine whether the markings connote gang activity or just basic, but nonetheless aggravating, vandalism. If you prefer not to call 9-1-1, contact the desk officer at 214-670-7253 for information on making a report. The alley east wall beyond the cul-de-sacs has also recently been tagged. However, we have been informed that the structure is scheduled for demolition as part of the redevelopment of the old Lakeside Apartments property (formerly Willow Creek).

    Dallas Police ask victims of graffiti vandals to take a couple of photos of the markings.  Then call the gang unit at 214-671-4264 for information on where to send or email the pictures.  Police can determine whether the markings connote gang activity or just basic, but nonetheless aggravating, vandalism.    Prime and paint over the graffiti as soon as possible thereafter.   The property may be tagged again, but persistent and prompt removal will discourage it.”

  • (2/25/08) BRAZEN BREAK-IN -- On January 25th, a Meadows home near Lakehurst and Boedeker was targeted by thieves who breached the front door. This residence is highly visible to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Presumably this should deter criminals. Much to the contrary, however, crime experts say that homes and businesses near the intersection of a primary access route can be attractive burglary targets because of the opportunity afforded for a quick getaway. Front door break-ins are also quite common in burglaries.

    The Dallas Police Department North Central Division has in the past offered a residential security inventory that can identify often overlooked crime vulnerabilities. Last fall, Crime Watch was contacted by another Boedeker neighbor who reported that her family had taken advantage of this service and found it to be very informative.

  • (2/25/08) AVIAN ATTACK ON DIMINUTIVE DOG -- A tiny adult canine belonging to some Mimosa neighbors was recently attacked on their property by a Red-tailed hawk. The little dog was injured but fortunately is recovering. The hawk was seen by the dog’s owner. According to the Stokes Field Guide to Birds, these large (wingspan: 43-52”) feed on small mammals, reptiles and birds. It’s not unusual to see them soaring above the local ponds and creeks in our area.

    Too bad we can’t convince them just to reduce the rat population! The Meadows is also frequented by Cooper’s hawks and Sharp-shinned hawks, both of which are smaller and feed on medium sized birds such as doves and jays. We’ve seen Mrs. Cooper carry off a pigeon…..a testament to her strength as her body didn’t look much larger than her choice of lunch. Those of us with bird feeders know that the raptorial birds are fascinating to watch but are not neat and tidy in their acquisition of snacks and can leave messy evidence of their food shopping. MeadowsWatch has not received accounts of other attacks on pets by Red-tailed Hawks but we do know of such reports from other areas.  If you have small dogs or cats as well as bird feeders, be vigilant.

    Also received an interesting follow-up hawk report of a neighbor who was tossing a retriever training decoy for his bird dog.  A hawk attacked the decoy! 

  • (1/12/08)     Development Update-  As everyone is well aware, demolition of the apartments next to our neighborhood continues.  Buildings are being demolished as soon as the asbestos abatement is complete.  Already, all of the units immediately adjacent to our alley wall have been demolished, with the exception of the unit along Walnut Hill.  The City Plan Commission will likely hear the developer's waiver request for the rezoning amendment to allow them to build single family zero lot line homes in the Tract A immediately adjacent to our neighborhood instead of the originally planned town homes.  The procedural waiver is necessary since it has been less than two years since the last rezoning request.  Once the waiver is granted, the neighborhood task force will work with the developers to work out the precise zoning language, which will likely take a couple of months according to the plan commissioner for our district.  This process does not appear to be impacting the scheduled development process.  Further information will be posted as it becomes available.

  • (1/12/08)       Dallas Launches Garage/Estate Sale Website.  For those who are not aware, Dallas city code requires that all garage or estate sale signs be posted only on the property where the sale is taking place.  Responding to an increase in the number of illegal garage sale signs, over 1,300 violations annually, the City of Dallas will soon launch a garage/estate sale Web site. The site will allow residents to create, search, locate and post garage sale information on the Internet.  Residents will be able to register and advertise garage sales free of charge; view and print maps of registered garage sale locations; and provide education and information on City ordinances regarding garage sales. The Web site will be integrated with the 311 online system to allow residents to report suspected garage sale violations

  • (1/12/08)      New Association PO Box-   Due to a recordkeeping issue at our local post office, the association's  PO box was erroneously believed to have been cancelled and was rented out to another individual.  As a result, the Association now has a new PO box- 12865.  Please use this new PO Box in connection with any correspondence with the association.

  • (1/10/08)    New TMNA Voicemail Number-  Due to an issue with the association's voicemail provider (who appears to have gone out of business), The Meadows Neighborhood Association has had to change voicemail providers.  As a result, the association has a new voicemail number.  You can call 214-890-6887 24 hours a day to listed to any recorded message regarding current neighborhood alerts and leave a message for the association.  As in the past, the neighborhood alert signs will be posted around the neighborhood when there is a neighborhood alert.

  • (1/12/08)     Dallas Goes Green-  Dallas is the first Dallas is now the first major city in the country to have a Web site devoted exclusively to environmental issues.  The new site, was officially launched at Dallas City Hall on Jan. 9.  The new site is dedicated solely to Dallas’ green efforts and accomplishments along with offering tips residents can use to “go green” at home. Important topics such as air quality, water, energy, recycling, waste reduction, land use and green buildings are highlighted. Residents who visit the site will also find lots of tips on saving energy and water, cleaning the air, how to have a green home, a green lawn and much more.

  • (11/22/07)  MeadowsWatch Newsletter-  The latest edition of the MeadowsWatch newsletter has been electronically distributed to those who have provided our email addresses.  Hard copies will be distributed to those who have not signed up for electronic distribution, based upon the schedule of the volunteers. 

  • (11/22/07)  Fall Plant Sale a Success-The MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION THANKS EVERYONE  WHO HAS SUPPORTED THE FALL GARDEN PLANT SALE and all previous sales !    Proceeds cover the costs of TMNA activities and projects such as maintenance of the Walnut Hill Lane Brick wall, the Neighborhood Alert signs and telephone Hot Line,  printing costs for event notices, special neighborhood meetings such as the Spring Social and Board elections  and the upgrading  of the Boedeker Median.  The Meadows has also received DONATIONS FROM MANY GENEROUS NEIGHBORS.  BOARD MEMBERS WISH TO EXPRESS THEIR THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO ALL!

  • (11/22/07)  Further Development Update- As reported in the MeadowsWatch Newsletter, one of the Meadows residents who has been part of the group of representatives from the three residential neighborhoods that would be most affected by this  property development provided some additional insight into the issue.   He stated:   “The [joint task force] continues to meet with PRA [Provident Realty Advisors] to review, discuss and provide feedback on some of the changes they desire to make from last Fall’s zoning approval.  Currently, under Texas law, they must wait 2 years before approaching Council with another round of changes, unless the neighborhood supports a waiver.  We will be in support as long as we can fine tune some of the changes they wish to make.   [Regarding the Dallas Morning News article] there are some things contained in that rendering that we are not in agreement with.  We continue to meet and discuss and hope to have some positive resolution.  Our main points of agreement are changing to single family in the Tract A, next to The Meadows, and reducing the number of homes.  Our disagreements center on access to this housing, and the commercial area where they are cutting back on open space from what was agreed to.”

  • (11/9/07)  Development Update- An article on the front page of the Dallas Morning News Business Section provides some additional information regarding the redevelopment of the apartments next to the Meadows.   The development will be called "The Glen at Preston Hollow."  The development is planned to have 104 luxury home village adjacent to the Meadows, 175,000 square feet of specialty restaurant and retail space, 1,100 apartments, a small office building, and a high-rise senior housing complex.  Provident hope to have the site preparation complete by next spring with the first phase scheduled to be opened mid-2010.  Photo renderings are available on the Provident's website.

  • (11/4/07)  Fall Plant Sale- After being slightly delayed due to the unusually warm fall that we have been having, the Meadows' Fall Plant Sale is here.  Get your orders in by this Wednesday, November 7th and the flowers will be delivered on Saturday, November 10th.  Flyers were distributed this weekend.   The grower that we get our flowers from is Home Grown Plants, Inc.  The annual fall and spring flower sales are the sole fundraising activities and in addition to voluntary dues and contributions, supports all of the association's activities, such as Beautification efforts such as the monument sign, sprinkler system and planned median landscaping, crime watch newsletters, this website, the annual ice cream social and other social events, and the various informational and other efforts associated with the redevelopment of the apartment complex adjacent to the neighborhood.  Future projects include the landscaping of the Boedeker median, which should begin in the next few weeks and street sign toppers to identify the neighborhood.  Please support your neighborhood by purchasing some great flowers or making a donation.  As always, if you are interested in getting involved with the neighborhood association, including helping distribute flowers this Saturday, please contact the Beautification Chair.

  • (10/31/07) Neighborhood School Preview- November 14th, 7 p.m. at Franklin Middle School.  Learn more about the neighborhood schools.

  • (10/9/07) MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT –  On Friday, October 5th at 7:57 p.m. a home in the 7200 section of Blairview was burglarized while the family attended the Hillcrest High School Homecoming football game.  The security system was in use and the alarmed activated.  The thief was in the house less than 3 minutes, escaping with jewelry and watches taken from the master bedroom.  He entered the back yard through an unlocked gate and forced open a sliding door.  A neighbor described him as a Black male who had a White female accomplice possibly waiting for him in a vehicle in the alley.   The First Watch officer and police both responded to the incident.  Crime Watch also has an unconfirmed report that a home on Boedeker was the target of an attempted, but unsuccessful, break-in around the same time Friday.  The residents may have been home at the time of the incident but we do not yet know what thwarted the burglar’s efforts.  It may very well be that the two incidents are related but this is also unconfirmed.

  • ALERT CONT'D-Earlier on Friday morning, a vehicle belonging to a Lakehurst neighbor was burglarized as surprised neighbors watched in disbelief from a few doors away.  The thieves, described as two young Hispanic males with very short hair, drove past the truck, tossing trash out of their older model mid-sized black Chevy SUV, then turned around and pulled up next to the truck and broke in.   As they drove away, they must have had an “inspiration” because they made a U-turn and went back to the same vehicle for a second shopping spree!   It was reported that the radio was taken.  The police arrived on the scene before the truck’s owner had a chance to call First Watch patrol.  He also reported that, upon their departure, the thieves also visited the Hillcrest H. S. parking lot and target several vehicles.  Meanwhile the observant neighbors got a good description of the perpetrators, their vehicle and license plate number --  025 LPG.   We are hopeful that these young entrepreneurs are now considering a different line of work, following some time well spent in a Texas correctional facility.

  • (10/9/07) GOOSE BUMPS OVER “BUMP KEYS” -- from a report by Wendy Hundley from the Dallas Morning News Online, 10/5/2007.    “North Texas police agencies are on alert for a rise in burglaries, thanks to a new version of the old-fashioned skeleton key that can overcome the locks on almost any door. While many people have never heard of "bump keys," authorities say these modified versions of ordinary keys first gained popularity in Europe and are spreading rapidly through Internet "how-to" videos that illustrate how easily doors can be opened though "lock bumping." "I think it's going to be a growing trend," said Capt. Kevin Deaver of the Lewisville Police Department. The Denton County community has suffered a rash of bump key burglaries in recent weeks, including four on Tuesday, police said. In nearby Coppell, police are investigating a number of lock-bumping burglaries reported several months ago and are now looking at some new cases that they believe may be linked to bump keys.  Any regular key can be cut to its deepest depth to become a bump key, said Roy Yetter, president of the Texas Locksmiths Association."  

  • (10/9/07)  Pumpkin Patch at the Farmer's Market- Saturday, October 27, 2007, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.  This festival is a one-day, outdoor event that celebrates autumn with terrific children’s activities that the whole family will enjoy.  Pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, mums and much more will be available for purchase to add to your autumn decorations.  So, mark your calendars for a “smashing” good time at the Dallas Farmers Market.  There is no charge for the event or parking at the Market.  Dallas Farmers Market is located at the intersection of Hardwood and Marilla Streets on the southeast corner of downtown.

  • (9/26/07) Mosquito Update- So far this year, the City of Dallas has identified 13 human cases of the West Nile Virus and 32 positive mosquito collections.  The City has been conducting spraying operations in various neighborhoods where there have been positive mosquitoes collections.  You can visit the Dallas Environmental and Health Services webpage to see updates on the latest sprayings.  Please remember that although that summer has gone and the weather is getting somewhat cooler, that the mosquito threat is not diminished.

  • (9/21/07)  The Meadows Watch-A new edition of the Meadows Watch (formally known as the Crime Watch Newsletter) is now available.  Although MeadowsWatch will still focus primarily on area crime reports and security-related topics, this neighborhood publication has been expand to provide information about other local issues and events. 

  • (9/21/07)  Development Update- Heavy machinery was recently spotted over our east wall on the vacated Lakeside Apartments property at Walnut Hill Lane and Central Expressway.  This should signal the beginning of demolition of the complex.  Provident Realty Advisors has been meeting with a joint task force of representatives from the Meadows, Glen Lakes and Windsor Park to design a mutually acceptable development that would enhance the area aesthetically and economically and minimize traffic impact.   Provident expects that the final plan for the mixed use portion of the development will be ready in early October.  Talks are still ongoing regarding the current plans to build zero lot line single family  homes in tract A (closest to The Meadows) instead of the previously discussed town homes.  In the near future, look for information about the proposed development at Provident’s website, 

  • (9/28/07) Neighborhood Policing- Our Councilwoman Linda Koop has informed us of this upcoming meeting regarding neighborhood Policing.  The meeting will take place Tuesday, October 2nd from 7-9pm at Fretz Park Recreation Center, 6950 Beltline Road, Dallas, TX 75254.  This is at the corner of Hillcrest and Beltline.   Chief Elliston will discuss the new neighborhood policing initiative and how it will affect neighborhoods.

  • (8/17/07) Dallas Homeowners League Neighborhood Leadership Boot Camp.  Saturday August 25, 2007 from 8:30 to 12:30.  The DHL is an association of homeowner's associations in Dallas, including TMNA.  If you are interested in attending this leadership boot camp, please check out the brochure for registration information.  Registration is requested by August 21-sorry for the short timeframe.

  • (8/17/07) Development Update-As you may be aware the residents were given notice to move out of the apartments by the end of July.  A number of residents were given a one month extension to move out.  Currently, demolition is expected to start in early September.  The developer has now decided to build zero lot line single family homes on Track A, which is the track that is adjacent to the Meadows.  This will necessitate an additional change to the current zoning, which was drafted to contemplate town homes in that tract.  The Neighborhood Coalition has been meeting with the developer and additional information will be posted as it is made available.

  • (8/17/07) District 11 Presentation of City Manager's Recommended 2007-08 Budget- Thursday September 6, 2007 at George B. Dealey Montessori-Auditorium, 6501 Royal Lane. 7-9pm. Chief David Kunkle will provide a special crime update for the area south of LBJ.  For additional information call District 11 at 214-670-7817 or email

  • (8/17/07) Kudos to the "Dream Team"- This group of neighbors have banded together to keep our streets and alleys clear of trash and litter.  If you would like to help out or volunteer the use of your garbage can, please contact the crime watch committee.

  • (8/17/07)  We apologize if you have been trying to send email to the webmaster or other email addresses at  The system has been updated and the addresses should work now.  If you come across a bad address or link on the site please contact

  • (8/17/07)  Thanks to TMNA donors and volunteers, we now have a beautiful monument sign on Boedeker, just north of Walnut Hill Lane.  The irrigation system has been installed and we are currently soliciting bids to landscape the median along Boedeker.  Hopefully we will have the new landscaping in place this fall.

  • (11-14-06) -- Police have a description of the suspect’s vehicle that was involved in the attempted kidnapping at Kramer Elementary last Thursday. It is a green older model 4 door car; the front windshield is missing and the word “devil” is written on the driver’s side window. There is a bumper sticker on the rear bumper with a comment about Mickey Mouse. If anyone sees a car fitting that description, tell them to report it to 911 ASAP. Police are currently looking for the car and they have initiated extra patrols around the school.

  • Fox Sighting -- Residents of The Meadows may have noticed a small fox wandering through the neighborhood, particularly along the western edge and south of Lakehurst. It is unlikely that the fox will harm children or companion animals. It will more likely be interested in garbage and rodents.

  • (8/3/05) City of Dallas Budget Town Hall Meetings. 

  • (3/10/05)  Letter from Mary K. Suhm, Acting City Manager to John Baker, Meadows President. 

  • (4/25/04)  The Meadows Annual Meeting is Sunday, May 2 at 2:00 p.m.  The Meadows Neighborhood Association Second Annual "Ice Cream Sundae" will be held at the Lady Panther softball field (near Airline & Meadow).  There will be an update on the proposed development at Walnut Hill/Central.  There is a $5 charge to cover costs.  Please make sure you RSVP to Doris Tomlin by April 30.
  • (3/23/04)  The Meadows Buzz is now available.  The March issue of The Meadows Buzz, the neighborhood's quarterly newsletter is now available online.  Copies were available at the Town Hall Meeting last Sunday and the regular distribution will occur sometime this week.

  • (3/8/04) Neighborhood Meeting:  It has been confirmed.  The Town Hall Meeting will be Sunday, March 21st at 3pm in the auditorium of the Franklin Middle School.  Please pass the word around to all of your neighbors.
  • (12/8/03) Design a Sign:  In order to create a better identity for the Meadows, we are looking at purchasing sign toppers for the street signs in our community, such as the ones you see in other Dallas neighborhoods like Casa Linda, Munger Place, Hillside (Mockingbird @ Ashford), and Lakewood Heights (Belmont @ Abrams).  We are currently looking for design ideas.  All submissions should be no larger than 24" X 9" and should be sent to Keith Kinney at 7116 Blairview Dr.  The final selection will be chosen at the Association's general meeting in May.