Preston Hollow Village Zoning Update

This Wednesday, May 24th, the Dallas City Council will vote on the zoning application for Preston Hollow Village that was previously approved by the Dallas City Plan Commission on April 27, 2017. The final wording of this zoning application was approved by your Meadows Task Force and we have been assured that no changes have been made to this document.

This is an informational update and no action is required. Again we thank all our Meadows neighbors for their support over the last 13 years. Your active participation by giving the City Plan Commission and the City Council your opinion on this zoning case is what ultimately made the difference and persuaded the Applicant to accept our suggestions.

Preston Hollow Village has filed a request to change the zoning on undeveloped land in Preston Hollow Village that will adversely impact our neighborhood. We need YOUR participation in voicing your opinion to the city by writing an email. Details and where to send are explained below. Please send your emails/letters in by January 21st in order to influence the developer to modify the zoning language prior to the first zoning hearing.

Call to Action

Dear Meadows Neighbors:

The Zoning Case (Z156-155) regarding Preston Hollow Village (PHV) has now been posted for a hearing before the City Plan Commission (CPC) for Thursday, February 16, 2017. The zoning application in the form presented by the developer is not acceptable to any of the three neighboring HOAs (The Meadows, Glen Lakes and Windsor Park) and therefore we are in OPPOSITION to the application in its present language.

I ask that you take the time today to send an email to all of the following individuals expressing your opposition to the zoning case for the reasons suggested below. A history of this case is presented below for your review. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Please note that the subject property falls within District 11, but is directly across Walnut Hill from District 13 which includes Glen Lakes and Windsor Park. History has shown that the CPC and the City Council (CC) do respond to a high level of citizen involvement. The applicant/developer may also respond to our desire for a mutually acceptable agreement prior to the hearing date if he senses a strong level of opposition from the neighborhood.

Your email does count, it gives us leverage in our continuing negotiations - please use it.

Re: Zoning Case Z156-155 (Preston Hollow Village)

CPC District 11: Jaynie Schultz:

CPC District 13: Margot Murphy:

CC District 11: Lee Kleinman;

CC District 13: Jennifer Gates:

Mayor: Mike Rawlings:

CPC Chair: Gloria Tarpley:

CPC Staff: Sharon Hurd: sharon.hurd@dallascityhall

Suggested reasons to oppose:

· A major exit road for the PHV mixed-use development through a gated townhouse community (Tract A).

· Lack of an owner/developer written commitment to fully build out Tract A in a timely manner.

· Lack of an owner/developer written commitment to forever ban Multi-Family housing (apartments) from the gated townhouse community (Tract A).

· Lack of an owner/developer written commitment to produce an enforceable traffic management program.

· Alternatively you could simply state that your opposition is for the reasons that have been identified by the Joint Task Force. The Joint Task Force (JTF) is the organized combined effort of all three neighboring HOAs.

Please note that it is important to provide in the email your name, home address and the zoning case number – Z156-155.

If you personally know any of the individuals listed above, please don’t hesitate to call them and verbally express your opposition to this zoning case. Additionally, if your home has more than one owner (e.g., husband and wife) be advised that each owner can send an individual email in opposition.


Your representative to the Joint Task Force from the Meadows (Mark Backofen) has been working on this project for over 12 years. In 2006 (after two years of negotiations) we reached an acceptable compromise with the then owner and the developer. There were subsequent negotiations spanning a couple of years with the then owner and developer for an additional zoning change. We were close to a mutual agreement when the then owner lost the property in foreclosure. The property was then acquired by the current owner in 2010 and the developer remained the same. Negotiations with this owner/developer for this zoning change have been ongoing since 2012.

The only way to defeat this zoning application in its present form and effectively motivate the owner/developer to reach a mutually acceptable agreement is to convince the members of the City Plan Commission and the City Council that the neighbors are in opposition for good and valid reasons. Now is the time that we need your help to take a moment and email the two members of the City Plan Commission and the two members of the City Council who will be making the decision that will impact the long-term future value of the neighborhood.

What’s All the Fuss About?

PHV is zoned into eight different tracts. The owner/developer has asked for an increase in density (additional square footage), height and multi-family units in the seven tracts east of Tract A – Tract A being the tract furthest to the west and adjoining The Meadows and zoned for townhomes. In a spirit of compromise, after years of negotiations, the JTF has reached an agreement on these points with the owner/developer. We are not opposed to quality development at PHV. If we make concessions on additional development on non-Tract A land, then the owner/developer needs to compromise and recognize our need to preserve Tract A as originally intended as a transition of a gated townhouse community between the single family homes of The Meadows and Glen Lakes and the mixed use development of the balance of PHV.

The remaining points of contention primarily are as follows:

The owner/developer wants to put a road through Tract A (Tract A being a gated townhouse community) that would allow non-Tract A multi-family and commercial traffic to exit PHV through Tract A.

· The owner/developer has not complied with the existing zoning ordinance to begin his buildout of townhomes in Tract A. This raises questions about the future intentions of the owner/developer regarding Tract A. There is a concern that he could request a future zoning change that would make some or all of Tract A multi-family land.

· When built out, the traffic ingressing and egressing PHV will be a neighborhood problem. The owner/developer has resisted producing a written, enforceable Traffic Management Plan that would moderate the expected traffic congestion – especially along Walnut Hill and the southbound Central Expressway service road.